ATE1-TCHE-71-6A DTmax 83°C 10.1V 6A 38W
Code: ATE1-TCHE-71-6A
Price: $25.00
Please Note: 'ATE1-TCHE-71-6A DTmax 83°C 10.1V 6A 38W' is currently backordered. Please be aware that there may be a delay in shipping.
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ATE1-TCHE-71-8R5A DTmax 83°C 10.1V 8.5A 45W
Code: ATE1-TCHE-71-8R5A
Price: $27.00
Please Note: 'ATE1-TCHE-71-8R5A DTmax 83°C 10.1V 8.5A 45W' is currently backordered. Please be aware that there may be a delay in shipping.
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